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Various Artists – Flamenco - Pasión En Peligro’ Album


Flamenco: Pasion en Peligro’ wins for Best Feature Documentary at the Madrid International Film Festival! Flamenco: Pasión En Peligro, which translates to Flamenco: Passion In Danger, is the soundtrack to the upcoming award-winning documentary produced by Madeleine Y. Gomez. The documentary explores the culture, music, and artists of the Flamenco art form, avoiding the ersatz, commercialized versions of Flamenco marketed to tourists.

A part of Flamenco history forever, La Susi and now this song “La Rosa Cautiva”, accompanied by Flamenco greats, Diego Amador and Pedro Cortes, is bound to touch the hearts of all who hear it. The feeling of Flamenco needs no language and it is such a joy to bring “La Rosa Cautiva” by La Susi to the world. In her memory, we share this gem. For Flamenco, we fight. Por el flamenco luchamos. Pepper Gomez..


1. La Rosa Cautiva
2. Callejita Oscura
3. D e La Corriente Del Agua
4. Rumba
5. Calle Bleeker
6. Vengo De La Carbonera
7. Rondeña
8. Farruca
9. Calle Tethaun
10. Soy Flamenco
11. Puerta Real (Bulerias Millenia)
12. Fuente Serena


Flamenco is a special and unique art form that has existed several centuries or longer depending on the source you are citing. For me, it has existed in my heart since I first saw it when I was about age 13 during a summer that my family spent in Madrid. It is some thing that once you have seen, you will never forget it. Yet at this time, many people either do not know what it is or they think it is salsa, which of course it is not. With its deep roots, intricate rhythms and tonos (scales), as well as the palos (song forms), you could study for a lifetime and only begin your journey with Flamenco.

I am grateful that I saw it as a child but I did not find a teacher until I was in my early 30s. I am grateful to all of my teachers both in the baile (dance) and the cante (song). They fulfilled my love. This compilation is the soundtrack to the documentary, Flamenco: Passion In Danger. It represents the best of Nu Flamenco today. The superstars who gave of themselves with so much love and art are the true Flamencos in my view - those who by birth, lineage, and artistic gifts must be regarded as the “verdaderos” (the real and the true) in this art form and way of life.

La Susi, a mega force with a voice that will forever touch your heart, gave us her last recordings. It is my honor and duty to bring these songs to the world as she died unexpectedly, just as we were completing the project. My thanks to her are infinite no doubt as they are to Diego Amador, Pedro Cortes, Diego Amador JR, and Peter Baime whose compositions can be heard on the album. Heartfelt thanks for their appearances in the documentary as well as to the many other Flamencos, including Alejandro Vega, Lily Sie, Nazaret Reyes, and Cristian Almodovar.

There were also many people behind the scenes whose support made this possible. Without Director Larry Marvar, Pedro Cortes - who saved the day, Domonick Giorgianni and Maria Jose Nocetti, never would we have completed the project. The depth of their generosity makes it clear to me that though Flamenco may in danger as is much of what is pure, beautiful, feeling and needed in this world, Flamenco will continue to inspire and bring to the world its fire and depth. To La Susi (RIP) yand my beloved Professors Pedro Cortes’ Father - Pedro Cortes (RIP) and Manolo Leiva (RIP), as well as the ever important aficionados, to Kings of Spins, we dedicate this deeply rooted and supremely moving Nu Flamenco album and documentary. Ole!

The world created by Flamenco: Pasión En Peligro conjures up the committed dynamics of Flamenco as the music moves and breathes as if alive.

Various Artists – ‘Flamenco: Pasión En Peligro’ Album Review - Randy Radic



LaSusi - La Rosa Cautiva (DiegoAmadorVersion)

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